Gorgeous nature!

Just some examples...

Not far away from the city center, in the heart of the regional park “Parco dei Colli”, starts the path that leads you in less than 1 hour and a half up to the top of Canto Alto (1146 mts), the mountain of Bergamo. In clear days you can enjoy a 360° panorama, from the Apennines to the Alps.

Beside impressive mountains, you could also choose to spend a relaxing afternoon at one of Lombardy’s lakes. A suggestion? Take the ferry to Monte Isola – the biggest island of Europe in the middle of a lake. In the summer of the year 2016 it became the scene for the artistic installation called “The floating Piers” by Christo. It's 3rd winner of European Best Destination 2019. Also the double vegetation of that island is amazing: in the South you’ll find olive and lemon trees, in the North you’ll find the typical flora of the Alps.

If you’d like to discover those places together with your Italian teacher, just take a look at this offer:
